Presenting Sponsor: $10,000

  • 10 tickets
  • Inside front cover event program ad
  • Photo opportunity with speakers and signed copies of their books
  • Your logo as Presenting Sponsor on all print materials, the event website, and all event outreach
  • Exclusive rights to provide branded attendee tote bags and inserts*
  • Recognition from the stage before the Keynote Address
  • Stage banner with logo as Presenting partner

Gold Sponsor: $5,000

  • 6 tickets
  • Full page event program ad
  • Your logo as Gold Sponsor on all print materials and the event website
  • Provide one branded item in event tote bag*

Silver Sponsor: $2,500

  • 4 tickets
  • Half page event program ad
  • Your logo as Silver Sponsor on the event website
  • Provide one branded item in event tote bag*

Bronze Sponsor: $1,500

  • 2 tickets
  • Quarter page event program ad
  • Your logo as Bronze Sponsor on the event website
  • Provide promotional flyer in attendee tote bag*

Event Tote Bag Insert: $1,000

  • Provide one branded item to be included in event tote bags for all attendees

*Sponsor is responsible for providing 200 inserts.

Questions? Contact Patti Seeman at pseeman@hebrewacademy.net or (757) 424-4327.